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National Geographic Institute C/ Benigno Filomeno de Rojas Santo Domingo, República Dominicana |
+1 809-221-8836 | |
[email protected] |
What is an SDI?
Spatial Data Infrastructure: Virtual network structure consisting of:
- georeferenced data and its descriptions using metadata
- interoperable services for the publication of geographic information, accessible via the Internet with a minimum of protocols and standard specifications
- agreements on their pooling, access and use between producers and between producers and users.
- and the mechanisms, processes and procedures for coordination and follow-up established and managed in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Geographic data:
Any data that, directly or indirectly, refers to a specific location or geographical area.
Geographic data set:
Identifiable collection of geographical data.
Geographic object:
Abstract representation of a real phenomenon that corresponds to a specific location or geographical area.
Geographic information service:
Operation, or set of operations, that can be carried out, through a computer application, on geographical data or its metadata.
Information that describes geographic data sets and geographic information services and makes it possible to locate, inventory and use them.
Interoperability of geographic information services:
Ability, providing specialized services and procedures, to combine geographical data-sets and facilitate the interaction of geographic information services, without repetitive manual intervention, in a way that the result is consistent and increases the added value of geographical data and information services geographic.
Geographic Reference Information:
Geographic information necessary for any user and application to reference data. It provides an accurate location for information, allows you to cross data from different sources, and serves to interpret data by placing it in a geographic scope.
It consists of information integrated into the National Reference Geographic Equipment; multiresolution, standardized and harmonized geographic and cartographic grids; gazetteers and databases of official georeferenced place names; altimetric data and digital elevations models; installations, networks and transport infrastructure; hydrography and description of the land surface and the nearby maritime coastal zone, including georeferenced images obtained by satellite or airborne sensors; places or areas of special protection or regulation; physical and biological cover of the earth’s surface; geological characteristics of land; geographical location of real estate based on address identifiers; and population entities.
Fundamental data
Geographic data produced for the purpose of georeferencing any other thematic data-set. They provide a neutral and abstract model of reality, which serves as the basis for generating thematic or particularized models in different fields of application.
General thematic data:
Data based on geographic reference information that single out or develop any specific aspect of the information contained therein, or incorporate additional specific information.
Geographic Information Infrastructure Node:
Set of interoperable geographic information services accessible via the Internet by the action of an organ, body or entity of Public Administrations.
Website or equivalent that provides access to interoperable geographic information services of various bodies, bodies or entities of one or more Public Administrations, and incorporates at least one service that allows searching and knowing geographic data and services accessible through it.
What is a WMS service?
Web Map Service, Web Map Service. Web service that provides vector or raster geographic information maps in a distributed environment (e.g. the Internet) using a communication interface defined by the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium). For more information, go to the Developer Corner section.
How can I view a WMS?
WMS are available via web through a multitude of GIS applications or programs that support the WMS specification, both commercial, free or free. The procedure to follow would be to insert WMS as a new layer using their URLs. To do this, GIS purpose applications have to include the option to insert WMS via URL.
What is a WFS service?
Web Feature Service, Geographic Objects Web Service. Object Publishing Service (WFS) that allows you to retrieve and modify (query, insert, update and delete) spatial data in vector format using a communication interface defined by the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium).
What is the WCS standard?
Web Coverage Service, Web Coverage Service. This service allows the collection of geospatial data in the form of “coverages”, i.e. digital geographic data representing phenomena with continuous spatial variation, using a communication interface defined by the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium). For more information, go to the Developer Corner section.
What is the GML language?
Geography Markup Language is an XML grammar written in XML Schema for the description of application schemas, as well as transport and storage of geographic information.
The key concepts used by GML to model the world come from the ISO 19100 series of international standards and the OGC GML specification.
GML offers a wide variety of objects to describe geography including features, coordinate systems, geometry, topology, time, units of measurement and generalized values, etc…